Statistics Tutoring


Math Tutor Network also provides tutoring for post-secondary statistics courses. Topics range widely depending on the course. Common topics that we have tutored include probability, random variables, expectation, limit theorems, and different types of sampling in conducting surveys. Some of our tutors would also have knowledge in using common tools in statistics including R and Matlab.

Post-Secondary Institutions We Have Served

We provide tutoring services for all post-secondary institutions across the Lower Mainland. Our tutors have assisted students from the following institutions:

  • UBC
  • SFU
  • BCIT
  • Capilano University
  • Douglas College
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University
  • Langara College

How Math Tutor Network can help?

Math Tutor Network has specialized university Math/Statistics tutors. Tutors may be TA's from university, senior students with a major in math/stat, or professors with a solid statistics background.

Tutoring Lessons

For students who only require help on homework problems and for test preparation, Math Tutor Network recommends one 2-hour lesson per week.

For students having difficulties understanding the concepts the teacher go over in class, Math Tutor Network recommends two or more 2-hour lessons per week.